Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Roseanne: Just Sayin'

Let's face it. It's about politics!

Disney's decision to cancel the "Roseanne" show
 over a tweet shows that free speech is dead in Corporate America.

Her real crime is supporting the duly elected president of the United States.

Night after night, Disney trots out the unfunny comedian Jimmy Kimmel to blast the president.

That's "free speech."

Roseanne Barr joked about the detestable Valerie Jarrett -- Obama's minder during his time in the White House -- and she is banned from network television.

The New York Daily News showed the president as a clown, an ape, and most recently a piece of shit.

And then there is this from another ABC star.

From the Wrap: "Jimmy Kimmel Compares Trump to an Orangutan for Brushing Dandruff off Macron’s Shoulder."

The only mistake Roseanne made was apologizing to the fascists.

You only feed the monster when you do that.


And another thing--How horrible was Letterman's remarks about Sarah Palin's teenage daughter?

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