Saturday, May 19, 2018

Why The Fanatics Will Blame The NRA

The little Greek kid in Santa Fe, Texas might have been a nutjob from the get go. After all he had 17 years of experiences to start his killing.

I wanted to hold off on an opinion piece until the facts were present then I read an article about how the same old same old third rate celebrities started in on their rants about the NRA.

This is the way I see it after hearing that the football coaches razzed him about the way he smelled. I'd say a lack of personal hygiene brought this on, wouldn't you.

Okay, here are a couple of tidbits of info:

The 17 year old Texas shooter:
1. Was bullied by his coaches 
2. Had known mental problems 
3. Illegally obtained firearms 
4. Wore communist and nazi lapel pins
5. Told his FB pals he was born to kill
6. Illegally entered a gun free zone
7. Shot and killed 10 HS students.
8. Like to play video kill games

What I haven't read about yet is the influence the NRA had on his decision to kill ten people. This sort of reminds me of Columbine and those two clowns weren't exactly followers of the NRA either.

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