Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Colleges Protecting Our Children From Being Afraid.

At a university in England, Trinity to be exact, the administration has decided to everything in their power to protect our yougsters.

From now on it is forbidden for professors to write in the upper case, as in IT'S FORBIDDEN. The school is under the impression upper case words are a form of derision and might frighten the students into failure. The same goes for writing the word NO.

Trinity also stated clapping with hands together is verboten. The only display for applause will be what is called jazz clapping. I'd never heard of this before. Place your open palms facing the sky, fingers spread. Then shake each to the right and left. There will be no noise but loud sounds would be eliminated thus avoiding children--er--students from being startled.

This nonsense goes on around the world on a daily basis. There's a site called Campus Reform that publishes stories of this tripe on a daily basis.

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