Monday, November 26, 2018

How CNN Dropped The Ball

I get a kick out of the Council Bluffs Cowboy. We grew up in the same town except when I was going into grade 7 he was enjoying the fruits of high school graduation.

Very few Americans know this but there was a landing on the Mars today. Note to liberals: Mars is a planet and in this case not a candy bar company.

The Cowboy had a few thoughts on the landing and forwarded them along to me.

I happened to walk through the living room, on the way upstairs, earlier today.  Pat(the spouse) had CNN on (I gave up hoping she might wise up) and it was a couple minutes before touchdown on Mars.  The cameras were on the NASA control room staff - 2 or 3 dozen workers.  The one thing I could not understand was why weren't the CNN commentators pointing out that there were very few women and no blacks among the NASA workers.  And apparently there were no other-gendered folks either as I didn't see any hugging and kissing as the workers congratulated each other.  Why CNN failed to report these "problems" is beyond me.

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