Thursday, March 14, 2019

Living In Shocking Times

It's time for me to move on to the after life. It seems I find out about sordid and immoral aspects of life every day.

For others not so. As a matter of fact it's a ho hum part of the 21st Century.

There is a new web site called Sugar Daddy. If one wants an elderly gentleman to squire them around town a young lady sends in her photo with bio material. Well heeled elderly gentleman pick the lady they desire and they set up a date. I'm not naive. There will be price dickering for add ons.

The article I read listed the top 30 colleges in the country for Sugar Daddy sign ups. Ohio University in Athens(a noted party school) was #29 on the list of female members.

Evidently there are a thousand and one ways to pay off college tuition. At least the girls are paying their own way instead of having their parents bribe officials.

There is a word for these college coeds and it's sluts.

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