Wednesday, June 19, 2019

How Government Takes The Fun Out Of Being A Kid

When you were a youngster did you ever set up a stand to sell Kool-Aid or lemonade on those hot summer days? Even a guy working on the sewers would stop and buy a cup and sometimes he gave me a tip. I could make maybe a dollar back in the 50's selling my wares.

It might surprise you to know that only 14 states allow kids to sell refreshments. They are California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, North Dakota, Nebraska, Texas, Missouri, Louisiana, Illinois, New York, Vermont, Rhode Island and Connecticut. This is surprising to me since most of the states listed are government controlled to the max.

It's against the law in all other states for a kid to make some extra cash. What they can do, though, is sell bottled water. Evidently, the makers of such still get their profits.

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