Friday, May 22, 2020

Have You Had Cancer Lately?

Cancer is that word that strikes fear into the hearts of men and women. The Queen had breast cancer six years ago. She's one steady lady but it impacted her as I've never seen it before. Fortunately, it's in remission but there's always that agonizing thought it will return.

Let's go back to March 15 or thereabouts when the country went into the shutdown. Everything but non-essential medical procedures would be performed; no hip replacements, no joint replacements period. Internal surgeries were put on hold except for abortions. In Ohio abortions were stopped until one activist judge overruled the attorney general.

My general practioner, who I see every six months, closed his offices. That's too bad because when I go I have the opportunity to flirt with his female staff.

My oral surgeon is a great guy. He, too, shut down his offices. I want to dwell on him for awhile but you can throw in any medical person you desire.

With 320 million people in the country I would assume most of them go to the dentist. I wonder how many of these people who didn't get to go would have been diagnosed with an oral cancer. I'd bet there are more than those diagnosed with COVID-19. Oral cancers can be devastating and fast acting.

Now, think about every other disease that doctors were not allowed to diagnose and save lives because some such governor decided to shut our country down due to a disease that has the same number of deaths as the Hong Kong flue of 1968-69 without a shutdown. Hmmm!

One of my best friends in Wisconsin asked me not to visit next week. I can understand this. He's 76 as is his wife who has had some serious health issues. In a text he stated he knew I thought the virus was a hoax. STOP! I texted him back right away and said the virus was not a hoax. It's real but it seems there has been a huge overreaction by the people due to blue state governors and our good friends, the mainstream media.

I know I'm right on this. However, if I bring it up to the great percentage of friends and foe alike I'm deemed unpatriotic or selfish or insenstive. The only way for me to bloviate is on the blog.

Thank you for reading.

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