Saturday, June 5, 2010

Did You Know This?

Did you know that BP has drilled over 35,000 times at different sites in the Gulf of Mexico and this is the very first 'accident' of it's type? If I were a Major League baseball player and got a base hit 35,000 out of 35,001 times at the plate I'd be in Cooperstown before I retired. I didn't know about this nugget of information until I heard it from some pundit; can't remember who but I'm betting he wasn't a supporter of the current administration.
I have a friend who is a retired Shell Oil executive. I should sit down and ask him about drilling. Seems to me it'd be a lot easier to drill in a thousand feet of water than five thousand feet. It's all about politics isn't it. If a company is drilling in a thousand feet can Harry, sunbathing on the beach, see the oil derricks? Does Harry even care? Do aquatic animals give a hoot? Does aquatic life remember five seconds after seeing a derrick? I doubt it. If animals are so smart how come I see so many dead ones lying alongside the road? Now that Boob Boy has banned offshore drilling how many good solid, taxpaying American citizens will be out of work? Reading the blog, Common Cents(thank you, by the way, for putting me on your list of favorites) tells us that the amount of oil lost in the spill to date would satisfy the needs of the United States for five days. Drill, baby, drill!

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