Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Really? Or Is It Really!

Put on your thinking cap, kiddies. Remember a year ago last May when I wrote about the phrase of the period? It was, "there ya' go". It had an all purpose meaning: agreement to a statement, a job well done, no meaning at all but used to end a conversation.
After much thought and an unofficial survey of 1,000 or so Americans we are into the use of a new word. It is, 'really'. It can compliment every sentence made or used as emphasis to another statement. It can be a question or an affirmation to a statement. I first heard it last June from a PGA player staying in our home. He was from South Carolina, I'd never picked up on it, so I assumed some of his golfing fraternity initiated the word. I noticed, beginning June 10 of this year, that I was saying the word at every juncture of a conversation to the point that I was embarrassed. Some might think my vocabulary was regressing to that of a newly formed larvae. Basically, it, 'really, is a mindless response; as in, having to have the last word.
Then, when Lizzie arrived at the lake she was doing it, too. I felt much better about myself. The wife is a grammatical wizard; knows more about proper grammar than God. And that's all I have to say on the subject. Really!

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