Sunday, May 29, 2011

Is Weiner A Weiner?

Anthony Weiner is a (D)U.S. Rep from New York City. Oh, heck, he's more than that. He reminds me of George Costanza from Seinfeld. Nothing's ever right with the world; complain, complain, complain. He might have himself in a spot of trouble, though, since a Twitter showed up yesterday involving the "Mouth from the South(Bronx)". He actually represents Brooklyn and the Queens but The Bronx looked good on paper. At any rate, the twitter shows gray underwear, supposedly his, with an erection. It was sent to a female other than his wife. It's from Weiner's site but he says he was hacked. The MSM has yet to mention this story but, no problem. When a democrat is involved it's "only about sex", anyway.

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