Sunday, May 15, 2011

"Let's Eat Dandelions"

I came across a website called, Two points here: (1) I'm still doing my protein shake starvation program and (2) I've come across some recipes for dandelion greens. Don't scoff. This could be a winner and it won't cost much. Those yellow blooms are all over the nation as I write so grab a grocery bag and let's make dinner. Don't eatthe blooms, only the greens. You go first!

"Regarded by most people as a wild, unwanted weed, dandelion greens are powerhouses of nutrition and are as pleasantly tasty as most other greens. The plant grows wild and rampant in most parts of the United States and other countries — ounce for ounce, dandelion greens are among the most frugal, nutritional vegetable bargains out there.

Name Origin: The greens of the dandelion are deeply toothed, giving the plant its name in Old French: dent-de-lion means "lion's tooth" in Old French.

Characteristics: Dandelion greens, or leaves, are individually up to 10 inches long and 2-1/2 inches across. The outer green bracts curve sharply downward from the flowerheads. The typical basal leaf is broader toward its outer tip than at the base (oblanceolate) in outline, although it is more or less lobed along its length. These lobes are triangular and the margins are slightly wavy and irregular".

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