Monday, May 16, 2011

Searching For Fifteen MInutes Of Fame

Cute girl, wouldn't you say. She might have an IQ to match her waistline. Her name is Malori Wampler and, until recently, WAS a cheerleader for the Indianapolis Colts.
Her problems began when she posed naked with body paint on her frame and the pics were published in a porno mag. Cheerleaders in the NFL have morality contracts. Among other things they are not to fraternize with the players. She got canned!
Will this surprise you? Ms. Wampler is suing the Colts for race discrimination because her heritage is Malaysian. According to Wampler the suit is also happening because she's a woman. She insists the men players do worse than she did. Paraphrasing Big "I think the Colts knew she was a woman and a Malaysian before they hired her".

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