Thursday, May 19, 2011

Netanyahu To Kick Some Obama Butt

Since I was with two of my grand kiddies I only caught snippets of Obama's "major speech". It doesn't matter. I don't listen to him; wait for the written transcripts, anyway. From all appearances he's decided to openly support the Palestinians order to eradicate Israel from the map. Such a fool?
Obama's attempt to placate our enemies is reminiscent of Neville Chamberlin when he returned to Gt. Britain after meeting with Hitler saying he had secured, "peace in our time" by allowing the Nazi's to take the Sudetenland away from Czechoslovakia. In September of 1939 that piece of diplomacy was in the toilet as we all know and Germany attacked Poland.
Egypt, soon to be controlled by the terrorist "Muslim Brotherhood", that according to polling estimates 85% of their people hate us. Folks, the goal is The Brotherhood is to exterminate every Jew in the world----period.
This president is in a fix. We're in a fix.
I heard a segment on the Hannity Show this afternoon on my ride home from Springfield, Ohio. A liberal called in to refute Hannity's exclamation that we cannot dwell in the past. The past, according to this guy, is not applicable to the present. We must sit down and talk with our enemies to come to an agreeable understanding. I've met bunches of liberals with this mindset. It's numbing. When I hear this pap I always think of the quote from the conservative writer, Ann Coulter, "for liberals, history begins when they get out of bed in the morning".
I would give my monthly social security check to be in the room tomorrow when Israeli Prime Minister Benjy Netanyahu sits down with Obama to discuss todays speech. How does one say, F U in Hebrew? Then throw in a knuckle sandwich.

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