Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Musings Of An Inartful Mind

Sitting on my favorite couch, coffee cup nearby, I began thinking about the numerous ISIS attacks around the world in the past fifteen years.

It really isn't fair to play the 'what if' game but since nobody is around to question me on the subject I will.

Yesterday, in the aftermath of Istanbul murders, Hillary announced the world must show resolve in our response to radical Islam". I don't get it. What does 'resolve' mean or refer to in this age of daily murders?

Furthermore, let's say Barack Obama had been president on September 11, 2001. What would have been his response? I realize it's unfair to speculate but he does have a track record. Last week his Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, announced we must show understanding and compassion toward the killers. Were these her own words? Doubtful. Every utterance from this administration comes from the top.

So, when 3,000 innocent souls were slaughtered those fifteen years ago I had to wonder how Mr. Obama would have proceeded. Would he have taken the fight to the enemy as did President Bush or would he have shown compassion and understanding?

It's sad to say but I believe I know the answer.

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