Monday, June 20, 2016

This 'n That From Dublin Ohio

If you're a dad did you receive your obligatory Father's Day phone call? I did. For some reason cards are out of fashion in my family. It's almost like, "Oh crap, I'd better call dad before I forget".

My daughter called from Scottsdale, Arizona complaining about the oppressive 120 degree heat. Silly girl, it's a dry heat.

I was right about the Warrior-Cavalier game. Did the folks in Cleveland burn down the City yet? I spent a week in Cleveland one day.

I've begun counting down the days until I have to head back to the god awful Minnesota lake place. Someone told me the DNR stocks the lake with 250,000 walleye fingerlings a year However, they're made of gummy bears.

Last November I had my eyebrows lift. Don't laugh. My brows look like I'd attached bowling balls to them causing the brows to sink below my eye slits. This week I visited the same doctor and he recommended I do the same to my eye lids. I was concerned about it being cosmetic surgery only. But, upon his word I will most likely do it. My lids look like window shades in the down position.

Today is the first day of summer. This means it's all down hill toward winter thus posing the proverbial question, "Is the cup half full or half empty"?

We're(I'm including Her Majesty) planning on having our entire family with us at the lake for 15 days. That will be eight adults and ten grandchildren, all under the age of eleven. Can you say, "Going nutzo"? But it will be a good nutzo.

I was golfing at my club a couple of days ago and heard a clap of thunder over my left shoulder standing on the 8th green. Not being a meteorologist I've always assumed thunder and lightening go together. It was then I mentioned to one of the guys I was prepared to die. I just didn't want to die on this day. Coincidentally, one of our members died on this same green a month ago. I figure it, the lightening, was an omen.

Were you aware that young girls who play wit dolls grow up to have poor self-esteem? It's true. Her Majesty is so pathetic. She is three hours shy of a doctorate degree dealing with autistic children and started the 1st program in the State of Ohio for pre-school handicapped children. What a loser? Had she not played with Raggedy Ann when she was a child and earned her doctorate autism would be eradicated. Grant money, of course, goes to nitwits who need to come up with ridiculous programs to stay in business i.e. scamming the people.

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