Monday, November 7, 2016

A Couple Of Examples Of How The Clinton Campaign Is Appealing To Stupid Women

From Alicia Colon @ Jewish World Review:

Trump fought the West Palm Beach City Council to be able to open his newly purchased club, so he could include blacks and Jews as members, who had been banned until then. He has staffed his hotel with all races and creeds so he's not the racist the media alleges. 

He is against illegal not legal immigration. He wants to vet those who wish to enter the United States to ensure that they are not Islamic Jihadists who want to harm us. What is so wrong with that? Both Hillary and Obama can't even name our enemy.

Trump wants a Supreme Court that will uphold the Constitution, not behave as minions of the administration. We have had enough with judges who are more like political activists than law enforcers. Abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution yet Hillary wants to have a court that will approve forever abortion on demand even if the fetus is born alive. How I wish they would change the language of abortion rights and call it a woman's choice to kill her baby.

One of the most hilarious clips I've seen is that of Bill Clinton campaigning for his enabler wife and saying "I never felt sorrier for anybody than Melania Trump because she's married to a man who abuses women." Unbelievable. It's been rumored that Bill Clinton has dementia but more likely, it's total amnesia. He's forgotten that he is an alleged serial rapist who was kicked out of Oxford for sexually assaulting 19 year old Eileen Wellstone. He's also forgotten the names of his other victims whom Hillary ridiculed by calling them bimbos and in one case threatened. Read Kathleen Willey's book, Target. Maybe Bill should be pitying Hillary for being married to him.


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