Sunday, September 17, 2017

What A Beautiful Story

This reminds me of an NCIS episode in which Gibbs takes out a wise-mouthed terrorist just before he’s about to kill DiNozzo, McGee and Ziva. Gibbs is on a mountain top at least a mile away with a high-powered rifle, and he puts a bullet right through the bad guy’s forehead. Amazing. But it’s TV. No one can really do that, can they?
Well. Yes. Apparently they can. But this sniper took a different approach. As 12 ISIS hostages were about to be torched alive with flamethrowers, the sniper aimed at a fuel tank on the main executioner’s back - striking it, blowing it up and taking out four ISIS thugs in the process.
And yes, he did it from a mile way. Beautiful:
Canada Free Press

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