Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Why Would Anyone In Their Right Mind Want To Coach High School Kids

BOUND BROOK, N.J. – A former Bound Brook High School baseball player will get a second chance in court to prove that his coach was reckless in telling him to slide during a junior varsity game.
A state appellate court ruled Wednesday that a judge must reconsider Jake Maser’s claim that coach John Suk was reckless in signaling the player to slide into third base.
During the slide, court papers say, Maser’s cleats “dug into the dirt and the force of the slide caused him to roll over his right ankle.” Maser’s injury required surgery.
In his lawsuit, Maser alleged that Suk and the Bound Brook Board Board of Education “negligently” and “carelessly” supervised the game.
But Suk and the board asked Superior Court Judge Yolanda Ciccone to dismiss the suit because Maser, who graduate in 2016, had not proven that the coach had been negligent under a recklessness standard.
Ciccone dismissed the suit, but Suk appealed. The appellate court ruled that Ciccone “never analyzed whether (Maser) presented facts in support of his claim that (Suk’s and the board’s) conduct was reckless.”
The Spun

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