Monday, December 24, 2018

A Merry And Blessed Christmas To All

The big day, for kids mostly, has arrived. It's a good day if we all keep things in their proper perspective. I like saying 'Merry Christmas' to friends and strangers alike.

It seems as though on a daily basis we have bad news shoved down our throats; crime, politicians, world events.

Life and the world is not as bad as it's made out to be. People, in general, are good people. They like life and living.

I am so blessed to have met so many wonderful folks in my life. I try to tell them this when the opportunity presents itself but like all of us, I sometimes tend to dwell on myself. That's too bad.

This was brought home to me this morning. My vehicle needed servicing. I found a new spot, AAA maintenance. I'd never been there before; didn't even know it existed and it's only three miles from our home.

I walked in the front door and the manager behind the counter greeted me with, "Welcome to paradise". That, my friends, is the way to run a business. I happened to be the only customer. I was that way for an hour. And guess what happened? I made a new friend. The gentleman gave me one hour of his personal time. We told stories, talked about our families thoroughly enjoyed each others company. Isn't that a beautiful way to start the day?

A Merry and Blessed Christmas season to all.

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