Wednesday, December 26, 2018

"At Least We Didn't Get Beat"

We're in the midst of the bowl season. The bowls played the day after Christmas and from here on in are premium as opposed to the ones prior which involve high school type teams.

Today's first encounter and the very first Servpro game was supposed to be played against Boston College and Boise State. It didn't happen. Lightening in and around Dallas forced officials to cancel the event. Games over forever as they say; no winner and no loser.

I find this hard to believe. One would think, with lights, this game had to be played come whatever eventually. That's a lot of TV commercial money in the can. 

For BC and Boise State this might be a good deal. No one had to lose. Nobody got hurt. The parents of the kids and fans who shelled out good cash to get there are the ones out. But they'll get over it.

I can imagine the locker rooms. "Hey, at least we didn't get beat". Others would scream out, "Where's the beer"?

What a deal.

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