Sunday, December 23, 2018

What's In Your Newspaper

The Queen subscribes to the week-end edition of 'The Paper All Of Ohio Depends Upon', the Columbus Dispatch for a couple of reasons. She likes hard copies of newspapers. She gets a deal on pricing if she subscribes for two days and then she can read online the rest of the week. The thing about my wife is she's open minded to the limit. Sometimes so open minded I have to get up and leave the room.

Common sense would tell a person the Dispatch is in financial trouble. The size has shrunk in half in recent year. I don't mean the number of pages, either. The width and breadth has been reduced. I need a magnifying glass to read the print.

One of my buddies, age 83, dropped the Dispatch two weeks ago after being a subscriber for 58 years. Someone from the paper called his home wondering why and wondering what the paper could do to get back his business. "Easy answer", he said. "You're too damned liberal".

I got ahold of today's paper and gave a look see to the main section, all 20 pages. I looked for bylines for every article their origin. Take a gander and you tell me.

The Washington Post was on page 1. Then, in no particular order as I moved along; The Associated Press, The Washington Post, The Washington Post, The Washington Post, The Associated Press, The New York Times, The Associated Press, The New York Times, The Associated Press, Bloomberg News, The Associated Press.

There were two articles from The Dispatch staff: one about pharmaceutical brothers who jacked up prices on drugs and the other concerning drug users who fall through the cracks.

I keep looking for an article from the Washington Tribune, Boston Herald or even the Chicago Tribune(read John Kass. He's akin to Mike Royko). Don't hold your breath MJ. It isn't going to happen.

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