Monday, May 4, 2020

No Bail Means No Jail

California: Suspect Arrested 3 Times in 12 Hours Thanks to Zero-Bail Policy

Dijon Landrum, 24-years-old, was first arrested by the Glendora Police Department on the morning of April 29 after he was allegedly caught breaking into a vehicle and attempting to steal it.

About an hour after Landrum’s release, the Glendora Police Department was called after eyewitnesses said a man was walking through their neighborhood with a box and stealing items off residents’ front lawns. It was Dijon and I'm not referring to mustard.

That evening, Landrum led Glendora Police Department officers and California Highway Patrol officers on a highspeed chase after allegedly stealing a vehicle from a parking lot. The pursuit ended in Pasadena and Landrum was arrested for the third time. He was charged with possession of a stolen vehicle and evading arrest.

Following his third arrest, Landrum was released and issued a citation. 

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