Wednesday, July 1, 2020

God Help Us All If Democrats Run The Table

I'm a guy pushing age 75. Her Majesty follows closely behind by a year. We've enjoyed 50 years of sometimes wedded bliss; more often than not.

Tumultuous times bring about change; some good, some not so good. I'm going to concentrate in this piece on the not so good--------the 'what if'.

What if in this next election the Democrats take the Senate, the House and the White House? Scary, huh?

If you're on the other side you might be ecstatic with joy but as I've often heard: be careful what you wish for.

The changes in our country would be astronomical. Every single liberal law would be passed from reparations to court packing to tax adjustments to whatever AOC desired. She would become the new face of this country. You'd scoff if I said we were on our way to Marxism but it's a fact.

So, I've been making a plan for The Queen and I. I love this country. I've often said, "I love my country but I fear my government." We have ten grandchildren in the U.S. spread throughout the land. We don't often see them and now that they're in their teens or close to it we've fallen on their 'must see' list. It's understandable. The point I'm trying to make is I don't think I want to live in our country if I have to to put up with the Schumer's, Pelosi's and Biden's of the world and the naboob who will take over for Joe when he's in the home.

Consequently, I've been looking at countries we could move to that would be our new second home and two have been high on the radar. My wife's first pick would be Scotland. It's the home of her grandfather. She's been there a number of times and would live there if she became a widow tomorrow.

The nicest aspect of Scotland is we could live there for six months before we had to up and leave to----------my next choice which is Ireland. I wouldn't go to the Ireland of Dublin or Shannon. That'd be like living where we now reside; a big city with English speaking people. No, we'd go to that part of the Emerald Isle on the southern coast with it's small towns and villages.

There is one slight drawback but it could be overcome. The cost of living is 15% to 20% higher than in this country. But at our ages we could cut back. I don't need filet migon to be happy; a peanut butter and cheese sandwich will do nicely. We live a simple life now. Besides, I could learn to live on potatoes and haggis. I'd have to hold my nose but it'd be the same as looking and listening to the Democrats as spoil this country.

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