Thursday, December 17, 2020

It's A Time For Healing. Ptooey!


A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away a politician by the name of Richard Nixon used a campaign slogan of 'Bring Us Together'. It didn't work. In today's climate the same mantra is being used. Joltin' Joe went on a live feed and promised to 'Bring Us Together' after he lambasted the current president.

Tom Brokaw, remember him, was on a news show, probably one of those no one watches, and said the American people, for the good of the country, must support Joe Biden.

This is all well and good except for one item. Every time I hear this the words of Jennifer O'Malley Dillon haunt me. 
 "Jen O’Malley Dillon, the person Biden has picked as his Deputy Chief of Staff, decided she was going to do her part to bring unity and healing to the nation by calling Biden’s Republican opposition “a bunch of f**kers*"

Call me silly but why is it Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Liberals, Progressives all use the F word with impunity, men and women alike. For these people the F word is like saying 'Good Morning'.

And I have another question. Call me mysoginistic if you want but why is it conservative women are so danged good looking and liberal women are uglier than a salamanders butt?

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