Thursday, February 11, 2010


Just heard on Fox that Bill Clinton is (yawn) in the hospital; some kind of heart problem. Shep Smith from FoxNews reported doctors put two stents in Bubba's coronary artery. Whatever! I was going to phone my doc/golfing buddy to find out what a stent is but then I thought to myself, "Do I really care?" Sadly, I(yawn) had the same bland reaction regarding Clinton's dilemma as when John Murtha was having his gall bladder surgery. I mean, who dies from gall bladder surgery. Oops--my bad.
I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm being disrespectful to our former(yawn) President and Congressman Murtha, crooks both, but I have to wonder: what would their reaction be if they found out MJ Hawkeye was recuperating in the hospital? I thought so.

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