Monday, February 15, 2010

Evan Bayh Drops Out

Evan Bayh, Senator from Indiana since 1998, has decided to call it quits and will not run for election in the next go round. This is more than fascinating. In a poll taken three days ago Bayh had a twenty point lead on the favored Republican candidate, Dan Coats, who previously held Bayh's seat. I've always liked Evan Bayh. He was one of those Democrats, middlin' type, who I figured I could support. I would've gotten very serious about a presidential bid by him had he moved to the center-right as a Pro-Life candidate. So, what's up with the Dems? Let's take this one step further. Congressman Bill Delahunt(D-Ma.) is hanging it up, too. He's a Cape Cod guy. Dems have controlled this district since the Mayflower landed. Except, Scott Brown kicked some serious butt in the recently held senate race and Ol' Cape Cod went for Brown in a big way; might be it was a case of the Godfather(Kennedy) not being a threat anymore and the voters decided "what's her name"(already forgotten, huh!) wasn't a heavyweight who could supply "goodies". Delahunt might have another problem. He was at one time, the city attorney of Braintree, Massachusetts. When the University of Alabama at Huntsville prof, Amy Bisop, gunned down three coworkers last week news reports dated her back to Braintree. The story is that this lady had killed her brother with a shotgun in 1986 and the charges were dropped by Delahunt. There will be more to come on this story.. Oh yeah, Delahunt, cut a deal with Hugo Chavez to birng in Venezuelan oil for the folks from Massachusetts. It was harmless at the time but as time has passed communism doesn't look so good in our country, by Chavez or Obama.
Voters, there is one gigantic, big-time DemocRat melt down going on. It isn't fun being a DemocRat, anymore. My first clue and this occurred a month ago: A neighbor of ours is a hardcore Dem. His car was plastered with Obama stickers.The guy's a college prof. You know what's coming next. Not a sticker in sight. Every day in every way it's getting better and better.
I just listened to Sen' Bayh's speech. I was wrong. The guy talked about not getting along in DC. He spoke of gridlock. I'm convinced. He's running for President in 2012.

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