Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pikers From DC

By Deanna Poole, Springfield Illinois State-Ledger:
The city of Springfield still hasn’t been fully repaid for costs associated with hosting then- U.S. Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign stop in the fall of 2008.
Obama’s presidential campaign was sent a bill for $68,139, and still owes the city $55,457, according to Ernie Slottag, the city’s spokesman.
The city has been trying — unsuccessfully — to collect payment, Ken Crutcher, the city’s director of office of budget and management told aldermen recently.

I normally wouldn't get too excited about an article of this nature except for one thing. The Prez, seemingly, has a "townhall" meeting on a weekly basis. For instance, on this day he's making a trip to Nashua, New Hampshire, to announce yet another jobs program. Now, if BO owes The City of Springfield, Illinois, his home state, $55K, I can only imagine how many cities have been left in the lurch.

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