Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Snowfall

It's good growing up in the northern climes. Take yesterday, for instance. I had sequestered myself in the house after being subjected to a fifteen inch snowfall. My favorite pillow was on the couch and for the better part of the day I was covered with this cute, warmer than toast, blanket. With popcorn and chips in abundance and the remote in hand my man-cave was just that. From the prone position I can see directly across the street. What met my eyes was an Oriental fella who was shoveling his driveway with what looked to be a spatula. "Oh no", I said. "Another rookie". I watched for awhile hoping the vision would go away. Sometimes, when I close my eyes real tight this happens. Nope! When the handle on his spatula snapped in half I reluctantly got up, put on my Iowa clothes, grapped my Man-shovel along with a backup and trudged across the street. My wife had told me this guy was a honcho at Honda America in Marysville, Ohio which is just up the road a piece. I'm only a Phy. Ed. Major but I've got to think, "if he's a big shot and I'm just a coach, why isn't he hiring this job out? The other alternative for me is to look at the weather forecast for the next week, find out when the melt begins and wait for Mother Nature to do the job.
I didn't shake hands when I introduced myself. The reason being I would have to remove a glove. I just began shoveling. He got the picture. He did say something that sounded like, "it snow now". I believe he meant to say, "is this it for the year"? So, I responded with,"Yes, it snow now". After I had completed my task I said, "good-bye" and went home to resume the 'position'. There is a moral to this story and it deals with kindness and generosity toward our fellow man. I expect to see a new Honda in my drive tomorrow.

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