Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wanted:(All) Your Money, Peons!

Lizzie flew back from Kansas City into Columbus, Ohio International last night around 11pm. It's a forty minute drive to the airport so the opportunity to listen to the Mark Levin Show was there for the taking. Levin is brilliant. He graduated from Temple University Phi Beta Kappa and by the age of 24 served in the Reagan White House as a Cabinet advisor. He's a legal wizard, bombastic, hyper critical of non-conservatives, a no-holds barred insulting, liberal detesting, self-confident brainiac. In other words, my kind of guy. But, "whoa", Mark was on vacation and a sub had taken his place. His name is Brian Sussman and he's a conservative talking head out of San Francisco; Nancy P's stompin' grounds. His station is KSFO conservative talk. It is, according to Sussman, a 5,000 watt blow torch that is the number one station in the Bay area. Bay Area/Conservative? That's funky! Sussman is also the author of a best selling book exposing climate change for what it is; fraudulent.

Last night's conversation got on the topic of the Estate Tax. Sussman played an audio clip from 'Gay Guy", Barney Frank***. Frank stated, "it's not right for heirs to retain money from those who made it. They're getting money for doing nothing"!
Chew on that one, people. So, that's his justification for taking money that would go to children of small businessmen, farmers and ranchers. That is such a gay statement it deserves to be on everyone's refrigerator. Soooooooooo-the government gets 35% and craves 55% of your money upon your death for DOING NOTHING!!!!! Sussman brilliantly stated it was damned fine of George Steinbrenner to die in 2010. Otherwise, his heirs would have owed the government $600,000,000.00 in estate taxes. Thank the Lord for his timely demise because his family would be required to sell the New York Yankees to pay the taxes on that which the old man earned----by working! Do ya' comprehend how absolutely infuriating the prior sentence reads? Arrrgggghhhhh!

Check this out from

People in USA: 308,745,538>This is million
Debt: $13,868,461,000,000>This is trillion
Trillion is more than million

There's a fella on the radio who has a syndicated week-end financial show. His name escapes me but the show is titled, 'It's Your Money'. Realistically this thinking is all B.S. As far as the Liberal Party(democrats) are concerned, it's their money. And, when the government can take your property then it's called communism. Yes, communism!!!!! Re-read this entire post while your having your oatmeal. I just finished writing and I am so po'd I wish I was an elephant so I could poop in Barney Franks' yard.
If you're a commie lib have a rotten day!

***As long as we have DADT eliminated it's right and proper to call a spade a spade.

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