Friday, January 7, 2011

Freaky Friday

From The UK Guardian:
"Mystery of mass animal death epidemic
deepens after 8,000 turtle doves. fall dead
in Italy with strange blue stain on their beaks".

It's not only in the US, folks. This bird killing is all over the world. Ain't it cool! It's time to start checking out websites from the loonies. They can come up with so many scenarios a host of prime time TV shows could develop.

I'v gotta admit the blue stain has me puzzled. My only suggestion would be aliens are dipping their beaks in inkwells and using them to write letters home. It's interesting, though. Recall before the 1969 moon landing when 'common folk' wondered what was on the other side of the moon, aside from green cheese.

My major concern about the 'bird bombing' is: we'll be in the Florida soon and I don't want anything that flies falling out of the skies onto "our" beaches and screwing up the vacation.

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