Monday, January 31, 2011

Getting A Laugh

People need to laugh, especially at the start of the day. There's a sure fire method and it's not insulting, sarcastic or invasive. Being the semi-forward person I am with 'newbies'-----oh heck-------quite forward when meeting 'newbies', I've come across a method to emote smiles and chuckles and you can do it too.
When you're at the check out line at the grocery store and there's a woman(has to be a woman) behind or in front of you waiting on another customer try this. Question? What do all people do while waiting? Yep! They scan the magazine racks and look at the covers of People, Us, whatever. The flavors of the month right now have a picture of Reese Witherspoon and Sandra Bullock. The heading for Ms. Witherspoon reads: "Another Chance At Love". After a few moments casually turn to the lady and say, "Did you hear about Reese Witherspoon? She has another chance at love". Or, on Sandra Bullock: "Did you hear about Sandra Bullock". She was stabbed in the back, again". I promise they'll laugh every time. I've done this for a few months now and it' fail safe.
You see, youngsters wouldn't get it. A twenty-year old with a hot babe behind them would utter something like; "How you doin'"?
That's too forward and a wall would be erected immediately. With age comes wisdom.
Anyway, the lady this morning laughed heartily at my comment and as I was leaving said, "You have a great day, Sir".
So, the next time your at your favorite grocery try it. I promise you'll make someone's life better at least for awhile.

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