Sunday, January 16, 2011

God's Way

Life goes on. Sitting at the computer this morning and my thoughts are with our neighbor's and dear friend's. Their son, forty-one years old, was taken off a ventilator at a local hospital an hour ago. It will be up to him and his body if life goes on. Lizzie and I have discussed what we would do if one of our children was in the same situation. It's easy to think we have the right answer now but until you've been there.....! Thankfully, we don't have to make the choice.
Our friend's found their son, unconscious, in his bed two days ago. The young man has had some health issues over the years so his parents have hesitantly prepared themselves for this day.
I'm not as sad as I thought I'd be and here's why. I've written about our friends before. They are God fearing Baptists. They not only know the Bible they practice it in their daily lives. The wife is one of my heroines. She has had two different bouts with cancer; one ovarian and the other with breast cancer. Never once, not one single time, did she ever complain or say, "why me"? When she was sick she smiled, told jokes and praised the Lord for the blessings she received. She is living the life the way God expects us to do.
It must be horrible for a mother to lose a son; a perfect human being formed inside of hers.
This lady, through her personal suffering and mental anguish, has prepared herself for this day, regardless
of whether her son lives or dies.
For we who believe, the exact situation occurred two thousand years ago. A mother, a son, life, death----eternal reward.
It may be a very sad day. My heart aches for our friends.
The faith of the husband and wife will save them.
Praise the Lord!

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