Sunday, May 1, 2011

That's Why God Made Chocolate And Vanilla

Our dear friend related the titled saying to me awhile back. She said her mom told her that when they were making up a bed together and our friend wanted to tuck in the ends but mom left them to hang outside the mattress. If you haven't figured it out yet this means our way isn't the only way. Since the mom was from Kentucky I figured it was one of those backwoods homespun sayings that worked it's way through Davy Crockett and Abraham Lincoln.
In a thousand years Lizzie would never put designs on her nails. She's just not that way. She's vanilla.
Know where I picked up the picture of the "food nails"? It was on a web site, I do believe that all of us who hang out on the Internet have seen the pics of 'Wal-Martians". This may surprise many of you but when I receive these 'forwards' online I press the delete key immediately. Typically, these people are are in the lower social and economic strata. It's stereotyping on my part but their monthly paycheck, more than likely, comes from the government. It doesn't take an Einstein to realize that when some look at these people they want to feel a whole better about ourselves.
Seeing Wal-Mart folks in an obese physical condition, clothes that could fit a four year old and look like they should be on a circus clown makes me feel the same way as when I see a child with cancer at St. Jude's Hospital, a soldier who has lost a limb or the obituary or a child who died young; very sad.
It's difficult not to laugh at others and condescend when it isn't necessary. Sometimes, it's a struggle to find the good things about others but we should try. I know I should do it more often.
That's why God made chocolate and vanilla.

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