Saturday, December 28, 2013

"If you had to"

My ex-wife(see blog for 12/15/13) was watching The NBC Nightly News a few days ago. As soon as she switched from a football bowl game I arose and went to the kitchen. As I departed there was a story about an American being held captive by the Taliban for two years. Then I thought: Would I rather be held captive by the Taliban or by the North Koreans? What a conundrum. That wasn't the end of my mental choices. Next up was, would I rather be a member of the Chicago Cubs or the Houston Astros? Tough choice. With the Cubs hope springs eternal yet they always lose. As for the Houston's they know they can't win so beginning in April they're already born losers and most likely turn to booze to get them through the year. This could be an endless list. I could make a board game out of the choices. Would I rather be from Kenya or Somalia? How about a Honduran? Why or why not? Would I rather be a homely, overweight male or a homely overweight female? Would you opt to be bi-sexual 6'0" male or straight person who was 2'6" tall? You'd have to explain the reasons why then points could be earned for the funniest or most clever answers taken by a vote of the players.
If you had to live in one place would it be the Mohave Desert and only a tree for protection from the elements or in a hut on the very top of Mt. McKinley?
How about this one? Would you rather be bitten by a Diamondback rattle snake or a Democrat?
If someone stole your clothes, put you in a car and dropped you off blindfolded would you rather it be on Fifth and Park Ave. in New York at noon or in your church at the 10:30 am Mass on Sunday?
If you had to be married to someone(female) would you take Whoopi Goldberg or Joy Behar? If a female would it be Pee Wee Herman or Charles Manson? What a fantastic game for next Christmas.
Now you know what I do when my ex-wife is out shopping.
I do have one good answer to a question: Would you rather watch Notre Dame play a football bowl game or shut off the TV? The End.

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