Tuesday, December 31, 2013

MSNBC Exposes It's Racism-Again

 Mitt and Ann Romney pose for their 2013 Christmas photo with their 22 grandchildren. 

Wasn't it enough that CNN allowed the "defecate in Sarah Palins mouth" diatribe to continue so long without appropriate action(firing) taking place? MSNBC had a segment headed by Melissa Harris-Perry a few days ago poking fun at the Romney family Christmas card. One of the co-hosts came up with this clever ditty about the photo; "Which one of these is not the same"? Obviously they are referring to the infant sitting on his grandfather's lap. One of the Romney children has recently adopted a Black child. I guess if you happen to be a conservative and White you're not allowed to do these things. There were a series of 'jokes' meant to deride the Romney's by these members of the intelligentsia about having someone who looked different from them in the family. How sad for these people. The saving grace is that hardly anyone watches this disgusting network.
Do you remember a similar scenario in 1996 when Hillary, at age 55, had an interview and stated she and Bill were considering adoption? The Leftists were ecstatic with joy. Cokie Roberts, at the time, was an ABC contributor and this was her comment: "The adopted child would be the luckiest kid in the world(to be with Bill and Hillary)". Of course, it was a ploy to gain sympathy and votes from the know-nothing populace.
Luckiest child in the world? Well, I'd say yes if you want your dad to be a serial philanderer, one who lied under oath about sex and to this day is an accused rapist. Wasn't it Bill who recently stated about Hillary in the press, "She gets more pus*ey than I do". How wonderful would it have been for Chelsea's sibling to live with this? Not very, I'd say.
The Left can scream and holler about the  Romney's but they have a qualities you'll never find with these pieces of vermin. It's called graciousness and class.

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