Monday, September 11, 2017

College Debt In America

I was trekking home from Minnesota a few days ago and stopped into a sports bar for brew and a burger. A young kid sitting next to me mentioned he started his own construction company after high school and is now on his way to financial security.

I offered him my heartiest congratulations due to the fact that I've come to believe a college education, for the most part, is a joke.

College debt in 2004 was 2.4 billion dollars. In 2016 it has skyrocket to 1.2 billion. I've stated on the blog before how, at high school graduation time, I get a kick out of the yard signs parents erect. E.g.
'Proud parent of a future Yale attendee'. Way to go mom and dad. Your egos are one step ahead of your now depleted blank account.

Here's something to drive spikes all the way through your eyes. The universities in the U.S.A., totaled,offer 1,800 different college degrees. Did you know you can get a degree in comic book studies? How about the history of Star Trek? Heck, when my youngest son graduated from John Carroll Univ. his major was French. I began to feel I'd fathered a kid light in the loafers. He did get a job at a French language camp for a couple of years. Big Whoop to that. On graduation day the head of the French Department handed out his diploma then spoke this into the microphone, "He speaks French better than I." It's too bad he wasn't around during WWII. They would have loved having them there saying, "We surrender".

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