Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Democrats: The Party Of No Class

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the bar is so low for President Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night that a speech in which “his nose isn’t running and he isn’t burping” would be considered successful.
“If his nose isn’t running and he isn’t burping, he did a great speech,” Mrs. Pelosi told the House Democratic Caucus at their weekly private meeting Tuesday morning, Politico reported.
She reportedly instructed Democrats to behave themselves during the address in order to avoid any controversial moments for the party.
“Let the attention be on his slobbering self,” she said. “If you want to walk out, don’t come in.
Daily Caller
What is Nancy hoping happens with her diarrhea of the mouth? Does she think conservatives will read what she said and come over to the dark side to be a part of her habitual condescension? Why, especially are Lefties so hateful. Kirsten Hillenbrand, senator NY flaunts the F word without regret. Tom Perez, the head of the DNC does the same. Yet, they receive little or no criticism. I don't understand politicians. Slap me in the face! I really do. They want to line their pockets and citizens be damned.

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