Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Adios To Facebook

Common sense has prevailed. I deleted my Facebook account yesterday and it had zip to do with Mark Zuckerberg stealing my personal information.

I've been on and off Facebook five different times. My Grandma used to say when going back and forth, "Off again on again Finnegan". I'm off----again.

I wrote about Facebook five years ago and why we old-timers would even consider spouting our views. In essence, most of us are looking for old acquaintances or lost loves hoping to rekindle passions of the past. Also. oldsters opinions count as much as those of Moses.

I was off Facebook in  January of this year. That's my birthday month and I knew there'd be those wishes and I'd have to respond to fifteen or twenty people. Think about those who have 150 contacts when their day comes around.

In March I decided to re-join. I was sitting around the house with little to do during this winter of hell and began thinking about former high school students I taught and what became of them. I'd punch in a name and a few showed. There was one from 1970 in Storm Lake, Iowa. Two more came from Davenport, Iowa and five from Rock Island, Illinois.

I've been kicked off Facebook because of my politics. One was by a best friend. I always thought it was interesting that it's okay for liberals to get rid of us Cons because we think differently. I've never, not once, deleted a liberal. As an example, why is t okay for conservatives to be excluded from college campuses but liberals can run amok wherever they wish? Let's say con Ann Coulter is speaking at the Univ of Eat Me. She doesn't stand a chance of spouting one word. The Antifa crowd will shout her down but let a 60's radical speak and the ignorant students of the day will bow at the alter of liberalism.

Even my baby sister dumped me because my political views aren't what she thinks they should be. Can I say it? She dumped me because, well, I wasn't stupid. Not a problem. She won't read this piece, anyway and I don't care.

I've had individuals compare my blog to Facebook; exposing my biases. Not true. When comments are made on FB, most likely a person is familiar with the other or they can click on their name and come up with personal information. If one looked at my page views you'll see U.S., Russia, Germany, Spain and possibly Japan. I sort of doubt Sventlana or Yashimoto knows me from squat.

I feel freedom of being released from a pastime, one of those pieces of social media which can destroy friendships forever. The way I figure the great percentage of my ancestors went to the great beyond when they were around 87 or 88. If I'm fortunate I have fifteen years left to enjoy human kind. So be it.

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