Friday, April 20, 2018

That'll Solve The Problem

The Democrat controlled Illinois legislature is about to pass a law removing armed police officers from all schools. They will be replaced by therapists. If this has to happen why can't the kiddies have both. Oh yeah, where will these people come up with the money? You already know. Increased taxes.

This bit of nonsensical wisdom follows the plan of two Pennsylvania districts. One school will provide a bucket of rocks in each classroom to throw at gun shooters. Question? Have you ever seen a six year old girl throw anything?

One person came up  with a good idea. Why not supply a teacher with a high powered sling shot? It worked for David as he brought Goliath but the school felt the sling shot was too dangerous.

The second plan, and this has already been implemented is to supply each teacher with a 16" wooden look alike baseball bat. Even the superintendent said the plan(his own)wouldn't work but it would bring ease of mind to the classroom.


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