Thursday, April 26, 2018

Drinking, Drinking, Drinking And Driving

It isn't often I'm shocked with the daily news but the formerly conservative newspaper, The Columbus Dispatch, ran a story today that blew my mind.

There are 14 million people in the State. It's small in size comparatively speaking; 240 miles east to west and 240 miles north to south.

Anyway, the article in question stated that two-thirds of our citizens, 21 to dead, have received a DUI.

It gets better, or worse, depending on your perspective. There are, in the State of my residence, 1800 of God's souls who have achieved  the dubious distinction of having double digit DUI's.

And finally, and I wish I knew where these people resided(probably down by Kentucky or West Virginia) there are two Buckeyes who have a grand total of 23 DUI's.

I don't think even Otis Campbell of Mayberry could top this number.

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