Tuesday, August 25, 2020

And Then The Roaches Came Out

 One of my former high school baseball players from the 1980's immediately got on Facebook following the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha. The young man quickly chastized the police for shooting Blake in the back seven times. Being his former mentor I got back to him(we communicate often) and suggested he might tone it down until we know all the facts. "But he was shot in the back", he said. 

He was shot in the back I'll admit but let's let it play out. Sadly, the uber liberal governor of Wisconsin came out against the police. The mayor, a democrat, came out against the police. It took almost no time for the rioting and burning to begin. Why, it's almost as if there were orgaznized groups of haters who could be in attendance on a moments notice.

I went to You Tube last night to look at some of the damage to this city of 100,000 located directly north of the Illinois border. It's devasting. The downtown was, once again ravaged. A car dealership saw 100 of its vehicles go up in flames. Why? What was gained?

Why is it when these anarchists loot and burn they seemingly never go after grocery stores, Payless shoes, clothing stores for young children, welfare buildings?

No, they hit the high end places of business. They're going after the man. Kenosha illustrates that all of America is under attack; not Chicago, Portland, Seattle and the other major cities. The criminals are coming after the common man.

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