Thursday, August 27, 2020

Everyone Should Have A Pet

 Agreed, there's a heck of a lot of turmoil in our lives. People are angry. I was jumped at the driving range by a young kid last week for not wearing a mask. I had to go to the bathroom and was jumping around because I didn't have much time left before I wet my pants. I went in the bathroom and there were the two of us. The kid, a kid mind you, dressed me down. I'm not one to take it from someone who hasn't earned a paycheck so I told him to call the cops. Then after he gave me some lip I told him to do it again.

I see this happen all around me; people can't handle their lives anymore.

Since we got Charlie, or I should say since he got us I've become much more cognizant of those animals that inhabit our earth. I become absolutely distressed when I read about or see animal abuse. Last week I saw a video of BLM people in Florida run over a racoon not once but twice. Then one of them pulled out a baseball bat and beat it until it mercifully died. In Memphis a police officer had a cat in his backyard. One of God's worst went into the yard and with a sharp instrument cut it in half then proceeded to disembowel.

I had the sickest of feelings in my stomach as I read these two stories.

I've gotten used to viewing stories of dogs, especially, that save lives of young children. They're so heartwarming. I've watch many views of animals left of the streets to fend for themselves. My heart breaks when I see this.

I wonder, how could anyone mistreat an animal that can only offer love and companionship?

I love it when I go to bed and Charlie is in my room hiding under the bed at night. When I crawl in and get under the sheets he climbs his stairs and snuggles up next to me; his head lying on my shoulder. Then he goes to sleep and promptly at midnight every night he climbs out of bed and gets into his own,

He stays there until he eats breakfast at 6 am then runs upstairs to lie next to me again. What a feeling. Who could not love this.

It seems to me if everyone had a pet, be it a turtle, a fish, a bird or even my least favorite, a cat, they'd have something to care about instead of themselves.

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