Thursday, August 27, 2020

What National Day Is It Today

 Sadly, I missed a post on National Dog Day which was yesterday. It's not a big deal. If a person loves their dog every day is National Dog Day.

The place I do my best thinking, restlessly rolling around in my bed trying to fall asleep at 1 in the morning I began to ponder the number of National Days we have in this country. It seems like there are more of these than there are days in a year.

I may be incorrect but I'm under the impression National Days have to begin in the House of Representatives. My oh my, how can they do this with all the other pressing issues is on their collective plates. It's like this: "We have a vote today on whether to go to war but first we need to come up with a "Shut up or get punch in the friggin' mouth day."

If you're still reading I'm providing a link to find out each and every DAY. It'll kill time and provide for conversation with your significant other.

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