Monday, August 24, 2020

Nazi Party USA Endorses Biden For President

 One of the most revolting things about Joe Biden's candidacy is his dishonest insistence that Donald Trump called white supremacists "fine people."  Democrats have successfully used this hoax to brainwash large parts of the American public into believing that Trump and his supporters are racists and anti-Semites.  One wonders, therefore, how much consternation there is in Biden campaign headquarters now that Richard Spencer, one of America's best known neo-Nazis, is all in for Biden.

To fully appreciate what should be one of the biggest stories in the presidential campaign, there are two things you need to know: (1) who Richard Spencer is and (2) what the "fine people hoax" is.

Richard Spencer

Richard Spencer is an unapologetic neo-Nazi.  He's frequently seen giving Nazi salutes, quoting Nazi propaganda, and making openly anti-Semitic statements.  He thinks Haitians should be re-enslaved and that racial minorities should be removed from America.  Not surprisingly, his wife has accused him of verbal and physical abuse.  He is a terrible human being.

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