Thursday, August 27, 2020

What I Didn't Know About Wisconsin

 I did think it was sort of weird the kid who was arrested for the murder of the Antifa guy, the one who said, "Go ahead and shoot me" right before he was shot was running around with an AR-15. What I didn't know was Wisconsin has no conceal carry laws. If one looks at videos before the shooting you'll see the seventeen calmly explaining to an interviewer why he was in town. He stated he was there to protect the businesses of law abiding citizens.

Did you know Wisconsin law says if a suspect is holding a knife and are within 21 feet of the police they are considered an imminent threat?

What you may not know is the kid was running away from an attack, fell down, and a rioter was holding a gun in his hand. A different rioter hit him with a skateboard and while the lad was on the ground shot the perp. I think there's going to be some skepticism about his guilt.

My former boss had the best advice for me when there was what I though was a serious problem. Me being me wanted to solve it on the spot. My boss, in his infinite wisdom said, "Give it 24 hours. Things are never as bad as they seem". I wish the governors and other so-called government leaders followed this plan instead of immediately placing blame.

As an example, The Medical Examiner in Minneapolis divuled his notes yesterday regarding the George Floyd death. These notes, if released June 1 would have shown that he wrote the cause of death was the fentanyl in his system. 

Is there a reason he didn't release this info at that time.

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