Sunday, August 30, 2020

What Would Happen If And Other Stuff

 Almost everyone  knows professional sports teams are boycotting games due to perceived treatment of Blacks. The usual suspects are the NBA, WNBA, MLB and I'm sure, when they begin, the NFL. What happens is the teams go out onto the playing field, take their positions, then walk off the field. It's easy to due without fans in the stands. But let's say there was no pandemic and 30,000 people were in the venues. Would they walk off the field after folks had paid hundreds of dollars and driven many hundreds of miles to watch a game? See how meaningless are these boycotts. No PGA golfers boycotted. What a bunch of losers they are.

The stock market hit an all-time high this week. Warren Bufffet has 50% of his investments in two items: 

Apple and cash. He's fairly intelligent and there has to be a market correction soon.

Quote: "Don't wait until you're on your death bed to tell people how you feel. You might be too weak to raise your middle finger."

Trump, this past Tuesday, directed the Justice Dept. to spend $35 million of temporary shelters for those rescued from sex traffickers. In Cleveland this week 39 kids, aged 2-17 were found. Some had been held for two years.

In her interview with Stephen Colbert earlier this month, Joe Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris cheerfully noted that the “protests” coruscating across the country were “not going to stop.” “This is a movement,” she explained, smiling. The riots “are not going to let up and they should not and we should not.” 

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