Friday, September 25, 2020

A Prediction

 I still don't believe Joe B. will participate in next weeks debate. There's a possibility one of his aides will be tested positive for COVID. Joe might get COVID but that's highly unlikely since it's difficult to get it in your basement. If I'm wrong I'm wrong and I apologize ahead of time.

What I am almost certain about it the Democrats did not and still do not want Biden to be their president. How can I write this, you say?

Going into the South Carolina primary Joe was at 8% in polling then Bernie dropped out. Why? Jim Clyburn of S.C. put his entire support behind Biden. Why? And all of a sudden he's the front runner.

Now to Kamala. Her background as California Attorney General is horrid. Without going into the sordid details we know about her relationship with San Francisco mayor, Willie Brown. We know that she put 1,500 blacks in jail for having marijuana on their persons. We know that she withheld evidence against a man on death row knowing full well he was innocent. At the time of the Iowa primaries she was polling at 2% and dropped out of the race. Iowa was the first of the primaries. Kamala is history, right? Wrong! There are powers to be that wanted her in the race as Joe's VP. These powers want her to be president to carry on the wishes of the left. 

Unless you just fell off the turnip truck you know that there is a puppet master behind the scenes. If Biden is elected his time as president is limited. He will be told to resign from office and Kamala will assume the duties. Her veep will be Pelosi. The cabinet will be composed of AOC, Beto O'Rourke, Ilhan Omar, Tlaib Rashind and a variety of radicals. 

If you think I'm nuts, well okay. but think about it long and hard.

Think about the garage of the couple that was burned to the ground in Minneapolis. One the side of the house in black paint were the words and symbols, BLM, Biden and A for Antifa.

Any questions.

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