Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Democrat Plan To Re-Make America

 It is evident that the plan of the Democrats when it comes to this country is complete and total control of our lives. In my opinion it is going to be difficult for Republicans to regain the House. It's going to be even more difficult to keep the Senate. So, let's look at the worst possible scenario. By hook or by crook Biden becomes president. Have you considered what America will look like in the future?

I believe there will be a push to grant statehood to Puerto Rico, Guam and the District of Columbia. If this is completed there will never be another Republican elected to office. There will never be anothe Republican president.

Guns will be controlled by the government. Just ask Beto. Abortions will not even be discussed. They will be done as frequently as people blow their noses.

Biden says he will not fund charter or private schools with government funds. For inner city kids this is the only education they get. Have you looked at the number of kids who drop out of public schools, the crime rates, the literacy rates? They're abominable.

Illegal immigration? There will be no stopping it; gotta keep those democrat voters coming in. And guess what? They won't have to pay taxes but we will.

Prisons will be a thing of the past. If you don't believe I'm right look what's happening in NYC. No one, regardless of the crime, has to pay bail to get out of jail. If you happen to kill someone the police take you downtown, said judge sets a court date and the perp is let out to run the streets and he won't be going to church to give thanks.

Taxation will be higher than the Empire State Building.

Biden has already said the Green New Deal will be funded at the tune of $4 trillion dollars with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez leading the charge.

Biden has flip-flopped on fracking and drilling a number of times but do you really believe he's calling the shots? Of course he isn't.

Ladies and gentleman, believe it or not but we will become a socialist nation.

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