Thursday, September 24, 2020

Damn! That's All That's Left?

 There's a climate clock in NYC and it tells us down to the second how much time we have left before we're goners. Yikes! Give or take a few seconds I'd be 82. That doesn't seem fair. If the Queen goes before me I could still have an affair or ten.

Seven years and 102 days. That’s exactly how long we have. Not approximately. Not a rough guess. Not even wishful thinking. The clock purports to tell us the number of years, days, hours, and seconds we have left before the Sword of Damocles descends on Mother Earth and snuffs out the human race in a puff of smoke.

What passes for thinking among climate hysterics goes something like this: We only have seven years and change to take action to avoid catastrophic climate change. The clock is based on an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report telling us we have to keep our CO2 footprint under a certain level or we’re all doomed.

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