Friday, September 18, 2020

Iran Doesn't Mess Around

When I was in high school our cheerleaders had a chant: "We don't, we don't, we don't mess around". I think it meant we, our team, was going to kick but.

Many Muslims in America are hoping for Sharia Law. Ilhan Omar would like to have this set of rules. If one were to ask enough of our citizenry there might be hundreds of thousands who would like to convert to Islam and run by the rules.

Four young Iranian teenagers found out the hard way this week about Sharia even though they say they were forced to confess to stealing by being tortured.

Their penalty was to have four fingers cut off at the palm of their right hand. At least they were allowed to keep their thumbs and we all know what the left hand is used for.

I'm guessing the guy who did the slicing and dicing said, "Be quiet. It only hurts for awhile. Praise Allah."

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